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18 martie 2011 | By: Misu Radovici

We STAND ... we RISE ...

E deja weekend ... finally ... 3 zile de rest si relax (fizic) ...
Dar chiar daca pentru trup perioada asta poate si trebuie sa fie benefica ... din toate celelalte puncte de vedere si eu si oricare alti sons or daughters of light... va trebui sa spunem ... inca o data ... we stand ... we rise ... 
Poate ca pana acum intunericul ne-a inconjurat ... poate ca pana acum l-am privit si am simtit fiori reci strabatandu-ne coloana vertebrala ... poate ca pana acum ... teama ne tinea "paralizati" si incapabili de a ne ridica sau de a organiza "one last stand" ... THE "one last stand" ...
Putem acum gasi ceea ce cautam ... lumina, pace, salvare ... si asta pentru ca EL e cel care a spus ... "S-a ispravit!" ... EL e cel ce a renuntat la "straiul eternitatii" pentru a se imbraca in umanitate ... EL e cel ce a renuntat la a purta stelele in mana Lui pentru a purta pe maini ... cicatricile sufletului meu debusolat ...
Dragostea Lui a fost aceea ce a putut "cumpara" inima unui tradator ...
Asa ca e timpul sa spunem NO MORE ... e timpul sa spunem "Destul!" 
E timpul sa spunem ... "Defeat is no longer and option ..." (Infrangerea nu mai e o optiune ...). E timpul sa spunem ... We stand, we rise, we give our livesE timpul sa aprindem "candela reconcilierii" ... candela care sa lumineze calea in jurul nostru ... E timpul sa intindem o mana celui de langa noi si sa spunem ... "Hai sa pasim impreuna!" ... E timpul sa devenim ceea ce trebuie sa fim ... fii si fiice ... 
E timpul ...
Worth Dying For - Destroy
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Chorus: We stand, we rise, we give our lives.
It began long ago, when darkness, through it's deceit captured the hearts of the sons and daughters of light. We looked for light but we found only darkness. We searched for bright skies but walked in gloom. We fumbled like the blind along the wall, feeling our way like people without eyes. We were destined to fall. Even in the brightest days, we stumbled as if it were dark. Among the living we were like the dead. We looked for justice, but it never came. We looked for rescue but it was far from us. So He, himself stepped in to save us, with his long arm and justice to sustain him. He put on righteousness as armor, salvation his helmet. He clothed himself with the robe of vengeance and rapped himself in a cloak of divine passion. He slipped out of his royal garments, left eternity to enter time, divinity to wrap himself in humanity. The sea of glass, the ocean of separation, he left peace, and for the first time felt pain. Because the very hands that held the stars were now sentenced to wear my scars. It was love that purchased this traitors heart. It's what the prophets spoke about when they envisioned light living in men once again. For this reason, I AM LEGEND, predestined for greatness, build for the final hour. I was born for this, with weapons in hand, armor in place, I now march to the beat of a different drum. I will break through battle lines that have been drawn by discouragement and despair. Where more is left to be said, time has met its end. It's now or never. Collision with me, myself and I. You see, my mission today is clear, to wake the dead. So let freedom's song rage. Do not abandon. You're not alone. Last day warriors arise from yesterday's ash and raise your fist with us. We are the army that is charging upon the land. Defeat is no longer and option. It is victory.
Chorus: We stand, we rise, we give our lives.

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